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Wednesday 12 March 2008

Snow storm...

I couldn't omit the great snow storm of 1982, we so rarely get snow here I only remember it 3 times. The snow of '82 was spectacular and terrifying. I woke to find the front door completely blocked by snow that lasted 11 days. Nothing in or out of the Gower. The electricity was\off and the only communication with the outside world was the battery radio, which gave updates of where you could get bread or milk. Karl and Kaye were only toddlers and we had run out of milk after the last milk run up to Green Lane Dairy that Rhonda and I made over the golf course. I ended up falling into a large snowdrift on the golf course and disappeared from view completely. The snow was immense. Luckily we had the wood burner going and a large pot of stew was on it every day. I had flour and yeast anyway as \I used to bake my own bread, what I didn't have was milk. Then over the radio it was announced that the dairy farmer at Lunnon, across the valley from us had milk to give away as the tanker couldn't get there. I decided to set out next morning with a rucksack filled with empty screw top jars to collect as much milk as I could carry. This I duly did and as I got down into Parkmill it was like a scene from a Christmas card. No footsteps were anywhere, no road visible and the quiet was magical. I carried on until I got to Shepherd's store at the base of Lunnon hill. The snow plough had become stuck about 100yards up the hill. I walked past it or should I say waded past it, the snow was past my waist. I eventually made it to the farm at the top of the hill. I gratefully filled the jars, packed them into my rucksack...32 pints of milk is VERY heavy!! I arrived back home just as\the sun was setting at 4.30pm, it had taken me 8hours to cover less than 2miles.
Eventually the thaw came and things returned to normal. It has\however left me with a dreadful compulsion to stock the larder at the first whiff of snow in the winter as \I don't want to be in that position ever again!

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