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Monday 20 February 2012

The enigma of sleep.....

It would seem that in our house there have always been some issues surrounding sleep...Danielle slept in 2 - 3 hour shifts for the first 2 years of her life and Kaye didn't sleep through the night until she was 4 years old. She often awoke in the early hours to get up and ride her tricycle around the lounge, in the dark!! Karl would sleep any illness off from a very early age, taking to his bed and staying there until he felt better. Daniel loved his bouncer swing that hung from the door way and I felt guilty every time I turned away only to turn back to see him dangling there, blonde head lolling to one asleep!!
Andy and I both managed on very little sleep for years due to kids, bands, working shifts and general partying. Andy worked night shifts for many years and during this time he often had to have the children during the day when I was in work and they were off school. Kaye particularly remembers a day when he took them to the park in Derwen Fawr and she was on the zip line, squealing about how clever she was, when she eventually got the hang of it. She excitedly called out 'did you see me Daddy?' to the seated figure in sunglasses on the response came back so she went over to find him snoozing away behind his dark glasses, Kaye being Kaye she slapped his leg to wake him up, which it did with a bit of a start. 
Not too long after that we took Karl.,Kaye & Daniel to The Grand Theatre to see 'Pinnochio' we sat in the front row of seats for a better view. Andy had done a night shift and this was the afternoon matinee. During a bit where Mr Fox is leading Pinnochio astray he addressed the audience for some participation. In the middle of it all he held up his hand and stopped the performance. His finger pointing directly at Andy he said in a very loud stage whisper..'Look at him..he's asleep, WAKE UP!' The whole room erupted into peals of laughter and roars of 'WAKE UP'  much to the embarrassment of the children and I. Andy woke with a start and tried to sink lower in his seat but he was a marked man and us too by association!! Oh the shame at the interval as went to get ice cream and every one giggled as we passed, the whispers of 'that's him isn't it?' were almost too much for Andy to bear.
The kids have never forgotten it, nor have I and I know it is not one of Andy's fondest memories but it is often the subject of hilarity around the dinner table.
Speaking of dinner tables, during a particularly difficult time when the children were young I worked 4 jobs, cycling 112miles a week within a 3mile radius!! Working 7 days a week I was often exhausted and the children would wait in hushed silence as I nodded off at the dinner table..just waiting for the moment my face actually went into the food on the plate and on the odd occasion it did the screams of laughter could be heard as far as Pennard. I always thought it a strange thing when my parents and grand parents fell asleep on Sunday afternoon after a large roast dinner. My Dad and Grandad covered with a broadsheet newspaper in their respective chairs, the paper would flutter slightly every time they breathed out. My grand mother snored, not an offensive loud snore, more like the sort of snore a doormouse would have, if a doormouse was to snore that is! My Mother would sit dozing but somehow still aware of what was going on around her and my sister and I thought it was some kind of voodoo that she knew immediately we were up to no good, looking at us with the immortal words,'I was just resting my eyes, I was not asleep'.....I now sometimes succumb to an evening snooze but mine of course is a power nap....naturally!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Half term and the living is busy....

Well what a busy time we have been having just lately. Work is crazy,I am now working in a different area for 3 months and it's a bit exciting! Tink is bonkers and then up pops 'half term'.
Valentine's Day and my wonderful hubby left a very beautiful card next to my bed and imagine my delight upon opening it I found a beautifully tender love letter, sealed with a kiss. I spent the day with Hannah and Megan and we went to Mumbles for lunch and shopping...wallet considerably lighter we came home and made tea and decorated beautiful vases for Mother's Day. Gandy arrived home from work and the girls cajoled him into joining in with their game..choreographing dance moves to songs. He slipped into something more comfortable and was soon shimmying his stuff around the living room. When they taught him the Macarena I just had to get the camera out and here folks for your delectation is the video.....

We joined our friends Sue and Mike for dinner at The Grand Theatre in Swansea before watching The Burlesque Show. I have to say it was a tad disappointing and our local amateur venture The Blue Stocking Lounge is far better crafted. The highlight of the evening was a Mime/Magician called Elan who had me crying laughing and was worth the price of the ticket on his own! As for dinner at The Grand..Grand it 'ain't...don't bother folks, just over priced pub grub and little choice,served by wait staff who are inept in every way.Whilst dining we all got chatting about parking issues in town and Sue told Mike I rarely put a ticket on the car when parking...'tis true,  I figure that even if I get 3 tickets a year I'm still quids in with the extortionate prices in Swansea and on average I only get 1 or 2. However it is true that several years ago I accumulated several tickets that remained unpaid and Andy was none too pleased when his Mum 'phoned him to tell him off for being prosecuted and reported in the local paper...I forgot to mention it was his car all the tickets were on!!
It seems we all get a bit of word blindness from time to time and my friend Mike is no exception, he recently asked Sue to spell the word 'arrow' she duly obliged and his reply was " that's how I spelt it but it looks too short" I have since had great delight in teasing him about the length of his arrow and will get much more mileage out of it before I let it go...he he he!
 Work the next day and by Wed evening I was all in...bed at 10.30 only to be woken by naughty Tink yapping and crying from 4.30am to come in the bedroom...arrgghh! Thursday I had Meg in the afternoon as Karl had taken Hannah shopping as a Birthday treat, we walked Tink and bimbled about, quite chilled really. On Friday the girls came around 10.30 very keen to bake a Birthday cake for Gandy who will be 47 on Saturday. We baked a fab sponge cake and filled it with fresh cream and strawberry conserve, iced with vanilla and chocolate and sprinkled with choc chips it was very naughty but divine. We cooked a quiche for tea and the girls made jam tarts as well to take home. We put trick candles on the cake and the girls howled as Gandy tried to blow them out...each time he blew harder but they just kept re lighting!
On Saturday we stayed in bed then had brunch with Karl and the girls and Andy opened presents and cards. Sue and Mike popped in for coffee and a chat. I walked Tink down to Threee Cliffs beach and played for ages, she actually managed the stepping stones all by her mean feat for such iccle legs. In the evening we met up with Law and Sal Kneath, Pete Hutchins and Dan & Lyndsey and went for a fab meal in Gallini's in The Marina, great Italian home cooked food and wonderful atmosphere. Then on to The Bay View to watch Grand Theft Audio and have a bit of a bop! Home at about 2.00am. Up at 10.00 for a bit of breakfast and a tidy up and off to The Village Hotel to join Dave & Sue,Sue & Mike for lunch. We took Meg with us as Karl was driving Hannah home to Anglesey. We took Meg home and got back to the house to a super excited ball of fluff who had destroyed a whole box of tissues creating something akin to a snowstorm in the lounge.....Andy said it was because she was upset at being left and needed a tissue??? Oh for heaven's sake he's getting worse than me. Tink and I walked over to the castle, around the golf course and back via the water tower...she met lots of new doggy friends and had a great is busy, life is good...I am blessed and truly grateful. XX

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty!

Brrrrr the weather is so cold at the moment, going out for a walk needs full preparation with hat, scarf, gloves & warm socks for the human beans and thick cozy coat for little Tink. That done Andy & I set off with Tink for a stroll to the castle. How beautiful everything was, the sky was fantastic silvery blues with scudding mackerel clouds and the sun was sparkling on the water, the river was high from the run off from the heavy rain earlier and the ground was looking green. 

The trees are still bare, but spring leaves are coming through and soon the heads of crocus and daffodils will be nodding in the breeze over by the castle. They have appeared over the years in the strangest of places around the area, I think it is lovely that someone has committed this act of senseless beauty. When the kids were little we often had quirky sayings up on the wall and one of them was ;
Practice random kindness 
senseless acts of beauty
It always appealed to me..random kindness seemed a wonderful idea and when I thought about it I realised it was something that actually happens more than we someone the odd 1p at the petrol station, stopping to help when someone is broken down, taking a stranger home who needs a lift. Not big things necessarily but things that make a difference to others never the less. Senseless acts of beauty are committed all the time...the planting of bulbs in public places (not by the council!), laying stones into a circle maze, the placing of a bench to sit on, making a mosaic sign. Little things and bigger things that put a smile on people's faces. I think I'll put the saying up on the wall again as I like it so much.
We strolled on to the castle and saw the next generation of golfers out on the golf course, complete with all the gear! I'm glad I didn't have to shop for their Xmas lists.

I have had a bit of a thing about taking photo's through all started with the archway of the old slipbridge in town and now I'm obsessed!

Have a look at these 'through the aperture' shots from around my own backyard.....

We met our neighbour Boris as we arrived at the castle, his head popping up from the steep bank he had just climbed with the very excitable Mungo...Sian's naughty younger doggy.

Before Christmas Mungo had on a regular basis wreaked havoc and destruction in Sian's chalet The Mayhouse and pictures of his absurd eating habits were posted on Facebook, they included things like CD's with or without the cases! Rugs, cushions and anything else Sian may have left in reach! I think he's improved a bit since then and I often bump into him wearing his fluorescent green collar romping around the lane. He knows I have treats in my pocket and makes a bee line for it, nuzzling his nose in until I give him one..or three!! Tink loves the big black dog but he does get a bit heavy handed..mmm...should that be pawed, with her when he gets excited, she is faster on the turns than him and weaves a quick retreat back to the safety of my legs if this happens.
We headed for home after I explored the castle a bit more with Tink and Andy strolled on ahead.

We headed towards home and I turned back to look at the majesty of the ruined castle and although I have seen it more than a thousand times I always see something new when I really look.

We headed on back and paused for a moment by the signpost, known by Candy as 'The P***ing Post' because of course ALL the dogs stop for a wee there! I think it's just the dogs anyway! It's developed a bit of a starboard list lately and doesn't really point where it should anymore but I love its quirky old fashioned look..... 

We got home and cooked a lovely roast dinner and then settled down for the evening, cuddled on the sofa with a little ball of fluff cwtched in as well.....
Pure bliss.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Kids remember the strangest things...

On Saturday I took some time to meet up with my best friend Sue Prankerd, it was a very cold morning and just as we were leaving a few flakes of snow started to drift down....Sue turned to me and said "Shall we go in yours or mine?" (car). I looked at her for a moment before replying.."Yours, it's a four wheel drive jeep!" O.K. she said but you'll have to drive it if it's in four wheel drive!! We tootled off and had a great time, stopping for lunch in Starvin Jacks and picked up some great bargains with an extra 20% off thanks to vouchers clipped from the newspaper by Betty, my savvy Mum in Law. Everyone knows I love a bargain and rarely pay full price for anything if I can help it. I even got 10% off a wheelbarrow because it had scratches on it.....whoo hoo.
My BFF Sue and I 

On the way home we collected my Granddaughter Megan from The Egypt Centre where she had been on a school organised outing. I got there to find her complete with Egyptian eye make up and very excited as she had been a tomb assistant and helped to remove the heart and entrails to put into the canopic jars before wrapping the mummy in bandages. She had loved it and on the way out we bought some activity packs and trinkets to take home and went to join Sue in the car, she was keen to show Aunty Sue her treasures. 
My Meg
As we drove home via Mumbles Sue asked where to park...I replied in the main car park on the front and a little voice behind me said " You think Aunty Sue's a bad parker, don't you Nanny?"...we roared laughing as it is a standing joke about my lovely friend's inability to park, especially parallel or reverse parking unless there is at least 3 car lengths to play with!! We often end up on the roof of the multi storey car park trying to find the ideal spot. 
My savvy Mum in law Betty
Sue said she tries hard to park but can't do it!  Megan then said " Aunty Sue parked really good last time we came here, didn't she and you were really pleased with her were'nt you Nanny?" I nearly choked laughing and luckily Sue and I have the kind of friendship where we recognise our weaknesses and laugh about them so no offence was taken but I could've strangled her! 

Thursday 2 February 2012

A Beautiful walk in the cold sunshine to start off February

On the 1st of the month I awoke to find that the grey skies and rain had given way to a crisp cold and brilliantly bright day!
After lunch when it had warmed up a little I took little Tink all dressed up in her winter coat out for our usual walk. The ground was hard underfoot, a pleasant change from sliding in the mud! The birds were singing their little hearts out and the sky was a deep clear blue. As we left the middle field to go onto the golf links I stood for a while to look at the Snowdrops all nodding their heads in the gentle breeze on the bank....Tink was playing chase with Dai's new Jack Russell puppy aptly named 'Dut' which means little and she is really little. They get on really well and have a rare old time together.
The lovely Snowdrops
We headed out onto the links and turned left, the sun was bright and Tink seemed to be even more full of beans than usual, gamboling on the grass and running circles around me. I couldn't run though as I am still recovering from a particularly nasty Urinary Tract Infection and running really hurts. We climbed the hill and Anna and Nigel's place was looking fabulous, they really have a great view from up here.
Nige & Anna's in the sunshine

We walked on, the castle to our right with the sun streaming around it and a bit further on the water tower standing like a watchman against the blue backdrop of the February sky. It's such a landmark for us, it even gives Tower Field it's name and I'm so glad it has not been taken down....long live The Water Tower.

Walking on we met up with Marta who was walking Missy and Coco Chanel, Missy is a grumpy baggage who barks all the time but is really harmless. Coco is staying with Marta while her owners are abroad and looks like Tink's sister only slightly darker....Tink plays well with Coco and tries to include Missy but she isn't having any of it.

Tink & Coco Chanel

We walked to the castle and the views took our breath away, the water was sparkling like crystal and once again I felt that deep sense of thankfulness for the beauty of my 'back yard'.
There are some rare plants that grow around and on Pennard Castle and some of the flora is starting to come back  by early summer there will be lovely little sprigs everywhere.

My back yard!
Plants on the castle wall
We strolled home and my thoughts were rambling as my feet were walking and I got to thinking about a John Denver song I used to play that had a line in it that in my youth touched a bit of a chord with me....'serenity's a long time coming to me' and I used to identify with that during the tumultuous times of my earlier life. I now know that some things are worth waiting for and the serenity I always craved has come to me for the most part and it gives me a deep and wonderful sense of peace and calm....perhaps this is one of the benefits of growing older in a place that you love.
We got in and I had a nice cup of tea before curling up on the sofa with my book, Tink and Tink's 'Bun Bun'....he's her baby bunny and she has had him since we had her, he always goes in her bed at night and she loves him! A bit like I love her, I guess....I am truly blessed.

The B*****d is still about....attempted burglary at Fern

It seems that Alice & Sam's place, Fern Bungalow in top field was the latest target for our local miscreant. An attempted break in occurred earlier this week but  no entry was gained. Bonzo dog perhaps scared him/her/them off! Stay vigilant peeps and keep it all locked away. By the law of averages this S.O.B's luck must run out soon!

On a better note Allie is raising money for 'Free The Children.UK' by running the London Marathon. She needs sponsorship NOW, so could you please donate at :