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Thursday 28 February 2008

Grandchildren.....more blessings












Stressed out....

Today has been a stressful day, we have had the decorators in at work and the whole dept is upside down. I can't stand not being able to find things and the work load is ever increasing. My colleague had to leave early and from that point the day degenerated until I was feeling under pressure and trying to console a very upset patient who had to be admitted to hospital. I had to send other women to another department as I had to lock up to go home and that in turn caused more problems as they were complicated cases. The poor midwife upstairs was at her wits end and didn't know where to put everybody. I tried to give her some extra information to help her but I left feeling uncomfortably guilty but I did need to get home. My hubby was practising with The Schmo's tonight and was running late. Not a happy bunny!
Tomorrow I will have to start early to catch up on the things I had to leave tonight and my diary is already full....oh my. The only bonus is that I will be working with my wonderful friend Tania and she and I are pretty good together. Combined with that the wonderful Sarah is on duty and we should get it nailed soon enough. Thank goodness it's Friday!! I am looking forward to the weekend and to seeing the grandchildren. Taking Cara to get her dance gear for Stage school, she is very am I......

Wednesday 27 February 2008

The original Sisters....

My Mother Joyce and her Sister Doreen at Doreen's 80th party in 2007

Third generation of Sisters...

Danielle and Kaye

More blessings......My Sister Princess

I can't think about my blessings without being thankful for the gift of my Sister Princess Sharon. Known affectionately to all the kids and most of the adults as Ardy ! This started way back in 1974 when eldest daughter Danielle was trying to say Aunty Sharon and somehow kept coming out with Ardy and it has stuck...25years on she even signs herself Ardy.
She has by far the sharpest wit of any person I have ever known, acerbic at times she has the ability to take the skin off your back at 50yards with her tongue!!
Beneath the rather frosty exterior lies my real sister, warm and generous and ever helpful and supportive. We have had many laughs over the years and our share of falling out but in the end we love each other dearly. We have plans to retire together and spend our days gossiping in rocking chairs while the kids wait on us hand and foot! The kids have other ideas and are currently looking at secure retirement homes......
We share a bizarre sense of nonsense in our humour and she is the only person I don't have to explain things to when I think they are funny. We constantly make up poems and ditties that are often warped and convoluted but we know how it works and we can reduce each other to crying laughing wrecks with our hilarity.
As children I was precocious, Sharon was shy. I would be offered sweets and had to ask for one for my sister who spent her first 5years hiding in our Mother's skirts. She was such a goody two shoes that I was always in trouble for leading her astray. I was a Tomboy, Sharon was a girly girl, she loved frills,dresses,dolls etc & I loved Meccano, tree climbing and fighting. I was cruel to her sometimes and once stuck her hands together with bitumen , ruining both our lemon frilly dresses and making her cry as our Dad got her hands apart with petrol! As we grew up, she was always more timid and I got into fights to protect her. We played endless jokes on boyfriends and we carried that on with each others husbands too. My poor Andy still has trouble telling us apart on the 'phone. Just as I fought to protect her as kids she knows I would still fight for her now. My Sister is a part of me and whether she is right or wrong I am always on her side....because I love her and she loves me right back.

My beautiful daughter Danielle & her six children

Back : Will, Erin, Kate. Front : Grace, Danielle with baby Tom, Benjamin.


My family has a funny habit of renaming things,people,animals actions anything really.
I thought I'd write some down for posterity......

Andy...Gandy, The Fat Druid, andy pandy sugar dandy, ange, petal, lumpy, hubbanbum, mahoney, pookiesnackenburger, my lump, poohstinks, snuggy wumpkin,

Danielle, daniella dinmont, loobyloo, lucy locket, stumpy child

Sharon (My sister) Ardy (derived from aunty sharon) courtesy of Danie, Bacon face, apply peely

Karl, Pod, Podlet, Karlo, Karla, Nibbles, 18months

Kaye, plum, Kaye bow bubbles, bubbles, cake, cakey, bakey, baker

Daniel, Joefish, fishy, fishguts, BamBam, Dandan, babybud, "pookiesnackenburger smelly bum wimp fish crustycrud nose john" womble

Erin, Bob, moggit

Ben, Benjy, bear

Grace, Lula

Tom, Tomtom

Hannah, Hanniebananie, gelfling

Megan, Little fat egg, ickle egg

Cara, Rara

Penny, Nel, Nellypope, Nanny Bumpies, baldie bane, apple, janey anne.

Blue, Bluebell, poopie, boopie doo, puppydog.

Felix, Mee Mau, Flixy, Stinky Pinkerton, Pinky Stinkerton.

Dulcie (My Niece) Doo, doodie, Ethel, Evil Edna, Fish eyed faggot

Names for things:

Dummy, NiNi, dumdy

Potty, Mr Potter

Hoover, J Edgar

Spin dryer, R2D2

Colander, Didder, (courtesy of Oran, Orrie Porrie, Fluffy duckling)

Helicopter, Lemonchopter

Slippers, bippies, mimies

Breasts, Balongolas, boobies, gone backs

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Passing out from R.A.F. Trade training.

Karl was awarded The Outstanding Recruit Award when he passed out from basic training at RAF St Athen. He now has his Corporal's Stripes. Immensely proud of our boy are we!

Karl with butterfly

The oldest Son....

I was working today and chatting with my colleagues over lunch about my older son Karl. Affectionately known as podlet, until he got too big to be a 'let at all! He has a distinguishing feature caused in a fight in The Countryman when a Cardiff p***k who professed to be a boxer couldn't stand to be restrained by Karl after inappropriately touching his fiancee bit off half his left ear. Known to his mates in the RAF as nibbles (previously eighteen months..I did not get this either for a long time but with a Welsh accent.....ear and half). Karl has always been the sporty daredevil of the family, cliff jumping, night surfing, motorbike riding, water skiing, anything for a dare including eating a sand eel !!! YUK, revolting boy. Karl was always the gentle child who animals and babies adored at first sight (still is) I have an old photo somewhere of Karl with a butterfly just sitting on his hand, the wild ponies would let him pet them and dogs would, with a few psychotic exceptions not attack him on his paper round. His own dog an Alsatian cross called Sabre (affectionately known as 'bapu') was totally devoted to him and the pair were inseparable. Sabre adopted a friend of ours at a music festival and came home with him. He asked us to look after him while he was away travelling for several months and by the time he returned over a year later the bond between the gammy legged dog and Karl was unbreakable and no one was going to split them up. The next summer while on the beach with a group of his friends they were ferrying each other across the river as the tide was rising quickly. One kid lost the paddles and the dinghy started to be washed out towards the sea with Karl and two others in it. Sabre jumped in and took the front rope between his teeth and with the boys hand paddling towed them to the one told him to he just did it. Karl was the only boy babysitter on Sandy Lane for ages and all the little ones loved him. He now is married with children of his own and he is a wonderful Daddy, full of love, hugs and fun. He is a handsome and genuinely lovely guy who I am proud to call my son and the joy he and his family bring to us is immeasurable.

Gifts.......The Prankerds





Today I have been thinking about my bestest friend.....Suzie Spankers.
It's a funny thing when life throws you a curve ball and you only realize what a gift it is after its been around awhile. So it was with my best friend Sue. Sue is my son Dan's best friend Sam's Mum!
The boys have been friends since comprehensive year 1 and when Dan got ill it was Sam that really proved what real friendship is all about. It was Sam who visited Dan at every chance on every hospital stay. He played games with Dan, put up with Dan's moodies and sulks and always stayed smiling and supportive. After Dan's treatment they completed The Gower Bike Ride for British Heart Foundation it nearly killed them but it set a precedent. On some of the visits Sam made he would be accompanied by his Mum Susan who rapidly became my friend Susan. Together with the wonderful Mike who is a soul so giving that nothing is too much trouble the strongest bonds of lasting friendship have been forged between us four! Susie and I have laughed together , cried together and shared so much over the last ten years that we are more like sisters than friends. Our families have become entwined and her two sons and our brood treat each other like siblings. We olds are all treated with the same affection/disdain depending on the weather of course. Christmases and birthdays celebrated and shared all together have woven a rich tapestry of memories that we reminisce over often. Our current ongoing jape is the hunting down of the worst holiday/trip souvenir that we can possibly find. The winner of this illustrious contest fluctuates but now everyone is joining in including the kids. Daniel has just stolen the crown with the most garish of plaster moulded towers of Pisa & The Colosseum decorated with a hideous glitter that changes colour with the weather from vomit green to bruised purple and back to slapped cheek pink!! Previously a tie had been declared between our wooden key hanger with a photo of a Spanish couple on it that had a silk skirt glued to the woman and Sue & Mike's extraordinary shell shaped, magnetised bottle opener that slid off the fridge door and broke with a couple of days. We are now waiting with baited breath to see what treasures are returned from the next trip, Dan & Sam are off to Switzerland I think...oh lord help us.....
Tawdry gifts aside I really value the gift of friendship that Sue and Mike,Sam & Tom have bestowed upon our family.......more blessings and yes I am thankful.

Monday 25 February 2008

Me and Grand daughter Megan

This is me and little Megan at her big sister Hannah's Birthday party
this month!

Blue & Stinky Pinkerton

Here is the long suffering Blue with the darn'd cat!

Thoughts on family and pets


I am waiting for youngest son to arrive home for a long overdue chat about future plans. I'm not looking forward to it as I know there are going to be some conflicts of interests. In this family we do not let things slide that may damage the feeling of togetherness and often have a formal sit down to thrash it out!! Tonight is such a time.
Stinky Pinkerton (the mad cat) is tearing around the lounge like a lunatic chasing shadows & every now and again her own tail. She will insist on rushing past Andy at a million miles an hour which makes him jump out of his skin...I swear I hear her laughing.
She has taken to laying her head on the dogs muzzle when he is laying down and he tolerates this extremely well, however when she rolls on her back he makes a sharp exit because claws uppermost he gets into trouble...poor Blue. He is the most soppy and faithful dog in the world. We weren't going to have another dog but when Dan was having Chemo he begged us for a puppy, he especially wanted a blue merle welsh border collie. We caved in of course and eventually in the June I found an advert from a farm in Abergavenny for sheepdog pups including blue merles. I rang the number and we arranged to go up with Dan and Sam on the next Saturday after his Chemo had finished. We set off on a hot afternoon and a couple of hours driving found us at the farm. We got out and opened the gate, as we walked into the yard lots of gambolling fat tummied pups came into view. Dan stood still just watching them as we laughed at their antics. Within a couple of minutes one puppy had lain down on Dan's trainers and was not moving. Dan had been chosen! Guess what? It was a little boy, blue merle puppy and we knew we had to have him. We happily parted with our dosh and Dan scooped him up for the journey home. Blue is Ten years old in April and has been wonderful member of the family, devoted to Dan and with a delightful disposition. As each new grandchild has arrived he has adopted them into our pack and guards them dutifully. He kept me sane when I was at home ill for months and is always such a loving and funny friend to come home to. I guess he is yet another blessing that I am fortunate to count..

Sunday 24 February 2008

Man flu!

Today I am suffering, really suffering with a bout of man flu my dearest darling hubby kindly shared with me. He had this awful bug earlier this week, went unshaven and slobbed about in his pj's did not go out anywhere despite the fact that we were both on annual leave and it was his birthday (43). I get it badly on Friday and I have to go to the Tav on Fri night and after for a curry with the 'Schmo's', I was driving of course. Saturday was spent enrolling oldest Grand daughter into stage school and while she had her 3hr session we looked at ......guitar shops. Today Sunday I am feeling a bit sorry for myself, my nose is sore my eyes are running and I can't breathe. Every time I sneeze it hurts so much I swear. Andy says I am developing terretts syndrome....ha ha very funny. I cooked us all a lovely veggie Sunday dinner with chocolate cake for dessert and now I just need paracetamol and bed. I am back in work tomorrow and I know I will have loads to do and not firing on all four is a distinct disadvantage.
Today I would be miserable no matter where I lived so I guess there are some things even The Lane can't cure for me........

Sniping again

Warning to all those who wish to join an alternative community!

  • Check it out properly BEFORE you buy.
  • Ask yourself why you want to live there.
  • Talk to long time residents.
  • Get to really know the community.
  • If you move in, you ARE the new kid on the block.
  • Don't try to change the community,area or peoples ideals.
  • If you don't like it, why stay......Move on.
  • Don't stay and be miserable, you make others miserable too.

More thoughts....on family

Singing with Joe Schmo

Singing at Dan's 16th Party

First Live Performance 1993

Singing with her Papa, 2000

Kaye singing at my 50th 2004

I was thinking earlier how much I miss my younger daughter singing. It all started when Black Velvet came on the radio. It set in motion a train of thought that sent me off remembering the many times I've heard my daughter Kaye sing that song with her Dad's band Joe Schmo. I will forever have a picture of her in my head from a particular night in The 'Tav. She was stood on stage her bubbling blonde curls were being blown about by the fan, she wore black jeans & a Julien Mcdonald black and silver sparly T shirt and a silver sequinned sash. Her brilliant blue eyes were lined with silver sparkling eyeliner and as she belted out Black Velvet she was every inch 'The Diva'. I have seen her and heard her sing many times since but that night she was spectacular.I was immensely proud. Now she lives in London I don't get to hear her wonderful singing as often but I look forward to her visits home especially if the band are playing as she gets up and sings a few numbers with them. Her and her Dad singing Sweet Home Alabama is a joy to hear and the obvious enjoyment that they each get from it is very infectious. Her little nieces all want to be like Aunty Cake and they all sing and perform to my absolute delight. I admit to a few tears now and then when Erin's crystal voice sings Somewhere Over The Rainbow, little Megan gives us a rendition of I'm Special' in her tuneful but piping little voice or Hannah gives us a real performance of the latest song she has learned word perfect from High School Musical 2! Cara is now in stage school and loving every minute and Kate takes great delight in competing on Sing Star along with her brothers and sisters. My elder daughter Danielle has a glorious voice too, she also likes to get up and have a go on Sing Star! Her voice is softer and more mature but has a warmth and sincerity that is wonderful and gentle on the ear . All in all the voices of my children and grandchildren give me an immense amount of pleasure and I am so glad that they feel confident enough to open their mouths and sing from their hearts.....


I saw my friend Pippa in the local shop yesterday.....ever beautiful, ever young, her sparkling, golden head of curls bouncing as she laughs always makes me smile. I once saw a painting of a sea rescue off mumbles by Derek Scott (ex cox of mumbles lifeboat) The woman closest to the sea, straining against the grasp of the woman above her, red hair whipping in the wind was my friend doubt about it and that is how I will always see her, hair wild in the wind, straining and reaching out. She has a son now his hair is red too but not light gold like his mother, his is a rich deep auburn red that glows when the sun is on it. I watched him carrying one of the chickens late on a summer afternoon and both hair and chicken were an identical colour! He used to make me laugh when he was little calling Andy (my Husband) Mandy. When asked why , his simple explanation was that he was a Man called Andy so he called him Mandy! Perfect logic that.

Thoughts of spring

Suddenly the grey days of winter are getting less, the pale gold sunlight of early spring is more evident. Those that suffer with S.A.D. can now see the beginning of the end!
I can smell the fresh green notes of spring in the early morning air and more and more the daffodils,crocus and other spring flowers are popping up around the lane.
The birds dawn chorus is changing, louder and more excitable every morning, they know that spring is about to be sprung.
With this newness comes a feeling of renewal and resolution for the coming months and year. I will savour all that I hold dear and revel in the pure joy of being alive,living on the lane with those that I love and who love me.

Wednesday 13 February 2008


There are some things in a lifetime that are too precious to lose.
Love, family, friends, community, security, serenity, peace and security are but a few.
I am truly blessed with all of the above and the reason I am so bountifully endowed is central to where I live.......Sandy Lane.
For all it's irritating vagaries and in fighting at times, there is no place in times of trouble that I would rather be.
When Daniel was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer at 15 we as a family were devastated, to find that it had invaded his lymphatic system as well was a double blow. I was working full time as a Midwife but travelling to and from Worcester at the time. Daniel went through his initial operation to remove the damaged testicle and then commenced on chemotherapy. All through the summer my darling boy had poison pumped through him to try to eradicate the cancer. Our wonderful friends and neighbours on The Lane did so much to support us, small gifts and loving gestures almost every day. Special things to eat, made with love and received gratefully. Collections to pay for herbal remedies and tonics and visits from his fairy godmothers when we were in the hospital to leave something in the house for our return. The ongoing support over the months as they rolled by was awesome. When Dan got e coli infection from a dirty nurse's poor practice, it nearly killed him and I became aggressively protective. This will come as no revelation for those that know me! Finally after 6 full rounds of chemo, 2 more than he should originally have had; the bloody growths were no smaller. We were devastated and distraught when told there was no-one who would remove the tumours because they were the size of two large grapefruit, one wrapped around his spinal cord the other around the inferior vena cava. He was only 15 and officially a paediatric patient. We searched the net and found a surgeon in Japan willing to operate but at a cost of £30,000.We arranged to see the estate agent the following Monday but on the Friday before the Oncologist called to say he had arranged for a review by a surgeon in London at The Royal Marsden, we went for the appointment and the surgeon took one look at the size of Dan and agreed to operate. We then had to sign the consent form with all the risks spelled out. Death from haemorrhage, heart failure or seizure, brain damage, Quadraplegia, paraplegia, impotency etc etc. We signed because there was never really a choice.
Before we went all our friends and neighbours got together and helped us with money and positive thoughts and love. We set off knowing that they were all thinking of Dan. The op took nearly 8hours during this time we did not know how to get through it, but somehow we did and Dan eventually came round from the anaesthetic in ITU just as the fireworks went off outside the window for the dedication of the Albert Memorial! He was out of bed 12hours later,walking down the ward 24hrs after and back home with 47 staples in his scar in 4days!!
He went back to school, took his mock GCSE's and on 17th January 1999 he was 16, a day we thought we might not see. We had a big party to celebrate and at that moment I realised we had come through it. I didn't loose control or really cry about it all for another year when after far too many 'stellas' I lost it completely and couldn't stop. Suddenly I realised how blessed I lottery won, my prayers answered. I am forever thankful for the gift of my son's recovery and also for the love and support of my family,friends and community.
Sandy Lane is a special place, always has been and always will long as there is breath in my body I will fight to preserve it.

Sunday 10 February 2008

Just as I was saying......

Today I have attended a meeting of my neighbours, it seems that some of the very people I rant on about have been doing some very underhanded things.
Namely trying to propose changes and development with the local council for Sandy Lane and inferring (but not actually stating) that they speak for all of us.........MESSAGE TO SUCH INDIVIDUALS - YOU DO NOT REPRESENT US, NOT NOW, NOT EVER, ON ANYTHING.
For those of you not yet aware, there are self proclaimed property developers who have moved onto Sandy Lane and presumably with the idea that greater profits could be had if changes were made. They have allegedly tried to influence others to their way of thinking by offers of financial donations for remedial work to the roads. They have purchased 2 vacant plots in the top field adjacent to the Childrens play area and Princes Field. They applied for planning permission and have been refused. At the Cammill meeting that they insisted was held to discuss the state of the road they were left in no uncertainty about how the MAJORITY of people who live here feel. There are those who would like tarmac, pavements and streetlights for reasons best known to themselves but for most of us we do not want this at any price and will fight tooth and nail to oppose such actions.
I for one am putting my cards on the table:
NO to amalgamating Sandy Lane with Pennard, Southgate or Parkmill.
NO to calling our community a VILLAGE.
NO to supporting infill building in any form...empty plots is empty plots!
NO to upgrading the infrastructure, roads etc.
NO to allowing anyone to decide how our PRIVATELY OWNED environment should be managed.
I will fight, with words, the law or fists if necessary to defend that which I hold dear.

I stand by my opening rant on this blog....if you don't like it here...MOVE, you cannot change a community to suit yourself, why did you come here in the first place...oh yes I forgot pound signs! Go away and make a quick buck somewhere else you are NOT WELCOME HERE.