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Wednesday 27 February 2008

More blessings......My Sister Princess

I can't think about my blessings without being thankful for the gift of my Sister Princess Sharon. Known affectionately to all the kids and most of the adults as Ardy ! This started way back in 1974 when eldest daughter Danielle was trying to say Aunty Sharon and somehow kept coming out with Ardy and it has stuck...25years on she even signs herself Ardy.
She has by far the sharpest wit of any person I have ever known, acerbic at times she has the ability to take the skin off your back at 50yards with her tongue!!
Beneath the rather frosty exterior lies my real sister, warm and generous and ever helpful and supportive. We have had many laughs over the years and our share of falling out but in the end we love each other dearly. We have plans to retire together and spend our days gossiping in rocking chairs while the kids wait on us hand and foot! The kids have other ideas and are currently looking at secure retirement homes......
We share a bizarre sense of nonsense in our humour and she is the only person I don't have to explain things to when I think they are funny. We constantly make up poems and ditties that are often warped and convoluted but we know how it works and we can reduce each other to crying laughing wrecks with our hilarity.
As children I was precocious, Sharon was shy. I would be offered sweets and had to ask for one for my sister who spent her first 5years hiding in our Mother's skirts. She was such a goody two shoes that I was always in trouble for leading her astray. I was a Tomboy, Sharon was a girly girl, she loved frills,dresses,dolls etc & I loved Meccano, tree climbing and fighting. I was cruel to her sometimes and once stuck her hands together with bitumen , ruining both our lemon frilly dresses and making her cry as our Dad got her hands apart with petrol! As we grew up, she was always more timid and I got into fights to protect her. We played endless jokes on boyfriends and we carried that on with each others husbands too. My poor Andy still has trouble telling us apart on the 'phone. Just as I fought to protect her as kids she knows I would still fight for her now. My Sister is a part of me and whether she is right or wrong I am always on her side....because I love her and she loves me right back.

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