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Monday 19 March 2012

Welcome Wenny & Kev's little Peanut!!

What excitement over the weekend!! My dear friend Anne in USA has been awaiting the arrival of her newest Grandbaby...affectionately referred to by his Mamma, Wenny and Papa Kev as 'Peanut' !
Nine days overdue and wanting a home birth of course things were a little near the wire. Sunday was Wenny's Birthday and lots of Happy Birthday wishes were sent in many forms both paper, electronic and verbal...and many wished it to be a happy BIRTH  DAY too. It seems those wishes were heard and in the early hours of Sunday morning Wenny was in slow labour and by 10.00 am things were happening....the result of all her labours (to coin a phrase) was the safe arrival of little 'Peanut' who weighs in at a whopping 10lbs!!

Look at these very special and beautiful pictures of baby peanut and this loving lovely..I cried

Wenny's Mum Anne has been my friend for over 30years and when the kids were little they all spent loads of time together. Anne has two gorgeous Grandsons, Dylan & Dawson, from her elder daughter Massie,  and this was the first child for Wenny. Massie, Wenny and Maya are all strong, resourceful women, thanks in no small part to the example and guidance of their truly amazing Mama.
Wenny is a firecracker, full of light and life, love and laughter with a deep sense of social and political awareness. Straight talking and sometimes controversial with strong principles, Wenny has shown she has 'True Grit' on many occasions....not least this wonderful accomplishment to bring her beautiful baby boy into the world.
She and her husband Kevin are a loved up couple who are going to be such fab parents, that little peanut sure is a lucky little guy!!
I want to congratulate the whole of their family on the addition to it...the ever growing circle within which they are all bound by blood and love is a shared blessing and I know that each addition enriches them all.
My only regret is that they are all the way across the pond....we are with them in spirit, miss them keenly and can't wait to see them all again as soon as circumstances allow.
More blessings in my life and I am grateful.

Monday 12 March 2012

The spectre of the Water Tower, engulfed in early morning mist.

This morning I took the little Tink out for our morning run before I left for work, thank goodness we had Hi-Vis jackets on. The swirling murky mist was clinging to everything, the middle field looked blurry eyed and soft focused. As we got onto the links the chalets on the edge looked  really mysterious and when we got to the water Tower I was amazed. There it stood, like some beacon ,wreathed in silvery mist that swirled around it's legs, it reminded me of the alien war ships in War of The Worlds...scary.

On our way home I really felt that spring had sprung when we came across these beautiful primroses bursting from the woodland bank.....

By the time I got home my hair was soaking from the clinging wet mist and so was Tink, I dried her off with a towel before heading off to the bathroom to try to avert an 'Afro' hair disaster!!
My early morning run makes me feel fantastic, my skin glows and I feel more energised. Part of the enjoyment is of course the beauty of the area I live in. This morning I couldn't appreciate the beauty but I loved the sheer drama of it all....I am blessed.

Sunday 11 March 2012

New pics on Chalets Page, Pics of Tink & Local Views pages

Now uploading new pictures of Sandy Lane and local views, Chalets and Tink the little Chonzer. 

My new shoes are causing a stir!

These are my totally gorgeous new shoes by Moda In Pelle, adorned with Swarovski crystals they are the ultimate in statement shoes!
I liked them so much I put a pic on Facebook and was quite astonished at my two daughter's reactions......they both think that they belong in a Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and asked if I was going to wear something unseemingly tight and short in a fluorescent colour to go with them!!
How could they be so conservative? I have told them both that life is too short to hide your light under a bushell and that they can stick to their sensible Clarks shoes and I WILL have my bling.
They are really beautiful and superbly well made and plus they are amazingly comfortable. Today, I tried them on with the complete outfit for an upcoming wedding which consists of a divine purple dress and shrug jacket with a tiered ruffle effect and jewels under the bustline, hot pink small saucer hat and hot pink satin bag. It looks fabulous!!
I will wear the wondrous shoes because I really want to and as I get older I become even more acutely aware of a tenet that I have always tried to live true to yourself and if you have regrets make sure they are for the things you have done...not the things you didn't do.
I haven't always done things the right way, but, I have always tried to do what I believe to be the right thing and what is true to myself; After all it is me living my and now, it's not a dress rehearsal and we only get one turn of this particular wheel. 

Saturday 10 March 2012

Misty mornings and late nights...

The seasons are changing and evidence of spring is everywhere now. As I trot round the lane and over the cliffs and valley with little Tink it makes me smile as I notice more and more daffodils, greenery, flowers and buds everywhere I look. The very early morning run around before work is particularly wonderful..often shrouded in mist that swirls around and with a choral accompaniement from the birdies it's close to nirvana for me.
I took some pics recently of the lane ,some of the chalets and the bay and castle in the early morning mist...have a look

Little Tink meets lots of friends on our walks, she loves naughty Mungo our friend Sian's newest pup...but although she loves him and is only a fraction of his size he is scared of the little bully!
She is being very cute at the moment and has learned to stand on her back legs and turn pirouettes when she wants something from you, Andy has also taught her to give a 'high five' with her paw. Clever little thing she is, best of all though is when she brings her Bun Bun to have a cwtch on the can I resist.
No more burglaries on the lane recently thank goodness, it was a horrible time for everyone and caused the kind of uneasy atmosphere that is so rare here.
Here are some more pics that you might all recognise...or maybe not and I bet they make you homesick if you're away at the moment!

The Mulberry Tree in memory of Audrey

I will add some pics of other chalets to the page of pics and there are  some new ones of Tink too.
I'm feeling fitter and healthier than I have in a good many years, now close to a 3stone weight loss thanks to Slimming World aka Fat Fighters! Blood pressure is normal and I am no longer diabetic! Result...a younger looking and more energised me and I'm loving it. I go out more, still dance on the tables all night in my stillettos and get up earlier in the mornings. 
Life is good...I am still blessed and very thankful...