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Friday 1 July 2011


One of my greatest pleasures is walking my little pudding Tink. We meander about looking at all sorts of things that are local to us. It never ceases to amaze me how friendly other people are when you have a dog! People who would usually not even acknowledge you or at best give a nod suddenly become effusive and friendly about the bouncy little Tink! Children are especially attracted to her as she is small and cute and not at all threatening, she loves the kids and is very used to them because of all the Grandchildren.
Little Tink meandering

I see my friends and neighbours around the lane too and get a chance for a chat and a catch up. It is also an opportunity to see the changes on the lane itself, the potholes that vary from small to huge throughout the year depending on the weather. The wild flowers that come and go from snowdrops and bluebells to greater willow herb and dog roses, the brambles that give us Blackberries in the late summer.

The smell of the elder flowers and may and later the elderberries. Out on the golf course the bright gold of the gorse bushes and paler yellow of the wild broom mix with the lush green of the ferns. As we get out of the lane and look across to the castle it is always a moment to savour no matter what the weather as the beach comes into sight. The white water frothing when the weather is rough or the deep blue sparkling in the bright sunshine always takes my breath away and fills me up in a way that rejuvenates my soul.

Tink of course just spends her time sniffing all the wonderful varied smells and occasionally doing a good meercat impression to try to see a bit more. 
You never know who you're going to bump into and a couple of weeks ago Andy and I were walking after dinner and as we went along by the edge of the lane on the golf course we both jumped out of our skin as a disembodied voice came from the hedgerow calling out Andy's name! We both turned to look and then a head appeared over the greenery and there was Bob, face wreathed in smiles and full of excitement about his latest find during a trip to Hay on Wye. We clambered up the bank to see what this fab thing was a very old advertising sheet on metal from Fender Guitars and it really is extraordinary. Andy took pics with his 'phone and decided it would be great for the basis of a Joe Schmo poster. 
Bob's Fender Ad

Bob had also found some great books on guitars too which Andy also borrowed. Bob has a knack for acquiring interesting curios and objects that are unusual and unique,and he generously shares these delights with his friends.
The marvelous Bob chatting with Andy

Our little meandering walk in the evening sun continued and we watched the sunsetting as we strolled back home.....warm, content and replenished by our surroundings our friends and of course each other. We are truly blessed and grateful for our good fortune.
A Gower sunset

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