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Friday 15 July 2011

Each Day Is A Gift, That's Why We Call It ...THE PRESENT!

I took the naughty Tink for a walk last evening after dinner, she was naughty because she cannot resist fruit,especially pears and had managed to get one out of the fruit bowl and while we were at Fat Fighters munched her way through nearly all of it! Andy has renamed her Tink the Terrorist and is now threatening her with a DASBO! This week she has used a dish of clementines as balls to play with and chewed up, but not eaten, a bunch of grapes as well as my new flip flops. This week Andy was slimmer of the week and lost 6lbs!! The jammy sod then won the raffle aswell. I lost a respectable 3.1/2lbs and I am really pleased with my progress. I thought a second walk would calm Tink down and it was so warm and lovely I wanted to be outside not in. We walked  onto the golf course and  I paused as I always do, to just take in the place, the smells and sounds. I saw the bay with the tide well in and heard the bird song  frequently interrupted by young voices squealing in delight as kids played in the water. I carried on to the castle and there was a gentle warm breeze that felt like I was being stroked by the softest velvet. Tink scampered about and did a bit of fast running with ears flapping back and her tail out like a rudder. I took off my shoes to feel the grass and sand beneath my feet and felt totally and utterly happy. We turned for home and walked back through the top field and I remembered that it is Sandy Lane Fete in August but we will miss it as we have a family wedding to attend. I looked at the pics of old fetes and parties again when I got back and know I'm going to miss out on a lot of fun and friendships....ah well, next year for sure. Kaye and Simon are arriving tonight with the truly scrumptious Sebastian and Kaye is going to stay for a week so we can all go to Pennard Carnival on Saturday. I am considering entering Tink in the dog show but,everyone says she will only get the award for the naughtiest cruel! The evening bash is going to be a lot of fun with Joe Schmo playing and much rockin n rollin will be done for one reason or another.The wonderful Mr.Po is coming for a visit with Jo on Sunday and he will be staying over with us on Monday, we haven't seen them since Dan's wedding and it will be great to catch up....a great week,a fab weekend lined up, what blessings I have in my life.

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