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Monday 2 January 2012

2012 has arrived ..HAPPY NEW YEAR !!

The New Year is here...after the celebrations over Christmas with family and friends it is nice to draw a line under the over indulgence and return to normality. We went to Fat Fighters on Thursday and miraculously I only put on 2lbs! Andy (who has been a bit of a piggy) gained 5lbs. Having said that he loses it far more easily than me  so I'm sure he'll be back on track in a week or two. 
Xmas day was spent in Malvern with eldest daughter Danie and hubby Charlie and the fabulous 6 kids, Erin,Kate,Will,Ben,Grace and Tom. We went up on Xmas eve after collecting the Organic Norfolk Bronze turkey crown and the biggest slab of Welsh Black beef you can imagine. The van was loaded to the hilt with food,booze,presents,decorations and party things, not to mention suitcases. The children went off to bed after the traditional reading of a beautiful paper sculpted book..The Night Before Christmas. We read it to our children every Christmas eve and still do even though they are all grown up and now it's the Grandchildren's turn.  We then had fun sorting out all the piles of prezzies and getting ready for the big event. On Christmas day we were joined for a fabulous lunch by my lovely Sister Sharon and cherished family friend Heather...12 of us around the table with party poppers and crackers..lovely grub and great company...HEAVEN! We played daft games in the afternoon and then settled down in the night to watch Xmas movies. Danie was very clever about present opening and it was done in several stages allowing the kids to actually enjoy the gifts before moving on to the next.

On Boxing morning we were joined by Kaye,Simon and little Sebastian, all dressed up in his little elf suit. 
Sebastian in his Elf suit
After lunch we made our way home and were greeted excitedly by the little Tink and Dan and Lyndsey. More presents to unwrap...especially Tink! On Tuesday I was back in work for the morning,did a bit of shopping in the afternoon and cooked a full turkey dinner for the evening arrival of Kaye,Si and Seb. Yet more present opening and even more goodies for Tink. She especially loved the Xmas hat and scarf for the lovely Gemma Bevs!
Super cute Xmas Tinkerbell.

The mighty Joe Schmo played their now traditional 'inbetween',  gig at The Plough and Harrow in Murton on Wednesday night and it was packed to the rafters as usual.
Friday got us all together again this time Hannah,Megan,Karl,Pippa,Finn, Sue and Mike joined us and we somehow squeezed 13 around the table for a huge roast gammon joint with all the trimmings and followed by the biggest trifle in the world,cheesecake and a flaming Xmas pud, not to mention the vanilla sponge castle cake with chocolate frosting the girls made!!! 
Megan & Hannah with their Castle Cake...Yummy!
The damage to the waistline doesn't count on such warm and momentous occasions and after a great game of 'Don't Panic' which Hannah won by a mile, we all agreed it was a lovely day.
We saw the New Year in at Sue and Mike Prankerds with more scrumptious food,copious amounts of booze,great friends and a finale of fantastic fireworks and a bonfire in the garden. 
2012 has gotten off to a great start and I have a feeling it's going to be one of the best years ever! 
I have been blessed with a year of marvellous happenings that have given me wonderful memories and I know that I am truly blessed and for this I am deeply thankful.


  1. oh no i look terrible there xxxxx


  2. No you don't,you look like a champion baker!You couldn't look terrible if you tried, you're far to gorgeous!


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