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Wednesday 2 May 2012

Spring has definitely sprung !!

Well the smell of spring is in the air and the temperature on the whole is warmer. Been a very busy month for the Pretty Suns crew. Working, gigging with Joe Schmo, having Grandchildren to stay, weddings and parties....whew I'm worn out again just recalling it. 
I'm now working on Labour Ward/Triage 2 days a week for 9 hours a time and I have to say it is exhausting. I have however re-discovered the pure joy and privilege of helping a new little person come into the world and yes, I am still moved to tears. 
Joe Schmo are busy as ever and I have spent several nights dancing my socks off, great exercise and such fun. 
Grace and Tom (Danie's youngest two) came to stay for a few days. Danie and Charlie brought them down with Will and Kate and it was lovely to see them. Tom and Grace settled in straight away and got very excited about the coming Easter egg hunt we had planned. 
Fun with Gandy

All too much for Tommy!

We were joined by Megan and played lots of games, cooked super food and generally had fun. We went to the beach with Tink and fished in rock pools for crabs and then had an ice cream before heading home...Karl came with us and we all squished into Gertie, with Tink on Karl's lap in the front. We sang songs all the way home and made up silly verses when we couldn't remember the proper ones! 
On Sunday little Tink had a doggy Easter Egg and she loved it! 
Tink with her Easter egg...mmmmm

Andy had asked if he could have an Easter egg this year even though we are fatfighting..he specified that he just wanted a BIG chocolate sweets or chocolates in it, just the chocolate this is what I gave him..
The HUGE egg!
It weighed a Kilo and he ate it all!!
Sunday afternoon the kids went out in the garden to hunt for the eggs that the Easter Bunny's little helpers (Andy & Karl)  had hidden....bags full of fun and chocolate, it was great....We all had a meal at The Gower Inn in the evening with Dan & Lyndsey and we let the kids watch Gandy doin' his thing with the band...Grace and Tom's faces were a treat to see and they haven't stopped talking about it since!
 The evidence of Tom's sneaky egg eating!

Watching Gandy!

We didn't realise at the time but little Tom had smuggled contraband into the gig..he was caught out when Karl picked him up and felt something soft in his pocket, when asked what it was he replied, "it's just goo" Karl had a tentative peek in the squidgy pocket and there was indeed a lot of goo...cadbury cream eggs that had been squished and melted over the course of the evening and were now a sticky mess!! Kids!
Karl drove up to Aberystwyth on Monday to collect Hannah and got back in really good time...we decided it was too good an opportunity to miss so planned a BIG Easter dinner, Danie and Charlie joined us as did Mike and Sue and Sam and Rhian..turkey with all the trimmings for 15...siiimples, it was a breeze and everybody had a great of all was playing chinese whispers at the end of the meal, made very interesting by the fact that both Mike and Andy don't have the most acute hearing in normal circumstances let alone when the hubbub of noise reaches over 70decibels(Feels like it anyway).What starts off as "Lyndsey is very pretty" ends up as "Lyndsey smells of putty" and that's one of the kinder ones!!
Meg and Hannah and Karl stayed the rest of the week and it was lovely to go and get all the bits and bobs we needed for our upcoming holiday to Majorca later in May. We are all very excited and the girls were worried about the first time on a plane. Then something incredible happened and their very special Uncle Ashley took them flying over Gower in his plane...he even let them have a go on the controls...two super excited and delighted girlies really had a tale to top all tales of 'What we did in the holidays'. Wow... so much and I've only covered the first two weeks!  more in a little while!

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