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Saturday 15 September 2007

My Lane, My Home

This lane, this track - the very essence and lifeline of our community. I played on the lane as a small child, cycled on the rough track into my early teens. Some 40+ years I have been proud to live in this community with many friends & neighbours. It saddens me to see our lane changing over the past few years. We are becoming a community divided by outside elements, these people are keen to purchase some rural status, to live in Gower, but equally keen to develop a homogenised, well kept village where they spend more and more time covetting what lies over their neighbours fence. I can understand why these people want to live here, afterall, it's beautiful, it lives, breathes. It is a unique community that many people want to be a part of, I guess that is why property prices have escalated to ridiculous proportions and our children can no longer afford to live in the very community they have grown up in. So please can someone explain why anyone in their right mind would want to change the very thing they have sought and paid so much for?

Here is a snapshot of the lane now......

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1 comment:

  1. This was emailed to me and I have posted it because it reflects how so many people feel.


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